
Bomb City

Hopefully last week you got to listen to our girl Libby Hunt on the Carpool Talk Show discuss her recent work on Texas films "Bomb City" and "Occupy Texas." Libby is a HUGE supporter of Texas based productions and works her butt off to get these things going!  She sent us some shots of her in the "Bomb City" film and they look...

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Awards Season

And the winner is... We are so excited to let you all know that our #CluttsTalent John Frederickson was one of the top 4 Actors Finalists last night at the Jimmy Awards for National High School Musical Theatre! Check out this awesome article all about it from the Dallas Morning News! This is such an amazing accomplishment especially with so many other talented...

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Talent Round-Up

Our talent are busy bees!  🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 So we are rounding them up for  you all to see what's going on! Actor Kamen Casey is out in LA doing some pretty exciting things. He is a contestant on a new show with FOX! Hopefully you'll be seeing him soon. While in LA he got the opportunity to take an acting seminar with Wesley Snipes....

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Runway 101

Yesterday we put our models to work with runway expert Willie Johnson. Even the best of them need some training every once in a while!  We had some new comers and even veterans come to sharpen their skills. In attendance was Michelle Mathis, Isabella Parsons, Layla Duncan, Matthew Lowe, Chase Sloane, and Justin Sarabia. SO proud of these guys and looking forward to...

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Just Another Manic ... Tuesday?

We have a lot going on today! Our #CluttsTalent are working hard this summer and we're giving them the credit they deserve! First up is our super hunk Seth Sturgill. He recently worked a MAC Cosmetics event here in Dallas. Not sure if the no shirt was because of the heat or just for looks, but either way we aint mad. Next up...

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Prashe 2016

The theme for the Prashe fashion show  this year should have been 'HOT' There was hot fashion, models, guests, and of course the temperature. But if we Texans know anything it's that sometimes we just have to grab our paper fans and suck it up. And this show was worth melting for. We had the beautiful Stephanie Smallwood walking in the show this year...

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Model Monday

We may brag about our #Cluttskids like they're our own, but one look at these pictures and you'll understand. Jasmin B. blew us away with these amazing photos! S/O to  Henry Carter for these awesome shots and to Jasmin for her great work! ...

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Beach Days

TGIF!  We're not sure what you're doing this weekend, but after seeing these photos from a recent beach blanket packaging shoot, we're off to the beach!  Our adorable Clutts family did such a great job! { Taylor Hintze, Daisy J., Carver J., Adrian Stecker } ...

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Baby Blues

The Clutts Agency may or may not have a touch of baby fever, but look at that face! Can you blame us? Odyssey is one of our newest #cluttsbabies and we are smitten! ...

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That's A Wrap

Our Clutts talent had a great time last week shooting with Gold's Gym! Joseffa, Brittany and Trevoy were all smiles on set. Joseffa and Brittany even got to rock some crazy cool workout leggings so you know it was a good time. ...

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New Location

We have a new Mediterranean style location for all your exterior shooting needs! Go check out the rest of the photos of our new Azalea location on our website. ...

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A senseless tragedy occurred over the weekend in Orlando.  Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones.  We stand with Orlando.  #lovewins #orlandounited ...

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Upcoming Series

Waiting for an upcoming series premiere makes us that much more anxious when our talent has nabbed a role in it! Alicia Underwood will be playing Dr. Barbara Buckhalter in the upcoming fall series The Raven. We will definitely keep you up to date for the big premiere. Big congrats goes out to Alicia and all her hard work! ...

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Talent Tuesday

This week we're showing off Joseffa Trip! She definitely played her part with ease in the new Varidesk videos that came out. Spot her as the savvy business woman with a keen knowledge of healthy habits.  ...

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New Faces

We have some new faces on our board that are a must see! Introducing Barrett Burks and Dominique Smith. These two have busted on to the scene and are making quite the impression. Check out their pictures below and then hit up our website to see the rest of their portfolios. photos by jason fitzgerald + sergio garcia ...

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Fun in the sun with buns

What do hamburgers and roller coasters have in common? Nothing really. Except this week our #spotted post features both! First up is Ball Park's National Hamburger Day commercial featuring more than a few Clutts Talent in it. Congrats to everyone who landed a part and a bun! And next up is one of our super kids talent Carver! We always knew he was...

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Selena + Ennis = ❤

We all know you can take a girl out of Texas but you can never take the Texas out of a girl. SO what better place for Selena's GQ Magazine shoot than our very own Ennis Farm location in the heart of Texas.  GQ's May issue turned out so well, but we still can't decide what looks better; Selena or that scenery! We'll...

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I don't know about y'all but this Dallas weather has been bumming me out. Hopefully this fun colorful Pier 1 shoot at our Audubon Place location will get you back into a summery mood! Photographer: Adam Hazlett I don't know about y'all but this Dallas weather has been bumming me out. Hopefully this fun colorful Pier 1 shoot at our Audubon Place location...

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CALL: 214.761.1400 FAX: 214.761.1402

1825 Market Center Blvd. Suite 380 Dallas, TX 75207
Located in the Chase Bank Building at the corner of Market Center Blvd. and Turtle Creek.

COMPANY INFO + REPRESENTATION: info@thecluttsagency.com