
Editorial Comments: Where are all the stars?

8:14:00 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10hrOJkOxX0 In the past we had marvelous TV shows that kept us in touch with our "star-roots". Where have they all gone? From childhood I remember "Love American Style". It was one of the first in my lexicon. In the opening credits we discover that we will have here, among others, Flip Wilson sharing billing with Jane Wyman...ok it's overused and slightly tacky but...WTF?

Well this juxtaposition was exactly what made "Saturday Night Live" with Guest Host/Star Betty White the highest rated show in recent memory. It's watching this strange cluster of our shared psychi/family "get together" on screen that is appealing. And it is charming. It need not be quite as foul mouthed as "Saturday Night Live" was at times but it can, at it's best, conjur up new "funnies".

Tina Fey as cenus taker "How many people live in this house?"
Betty White "None...oh including me... 3!"

That is funny writing...wrought from writer,s faced with a new cast of generational characters, making smart choices about things we are all facing...life.

The same stuff that made" The Sara Palin /Satuday Night Live" series of programs so seminal.

So where is our "Love Boat" or "Fantasy Island"...I mean short of Variety...which is a whole 'nother talk show...yuk- yuk-yuk... these shows gave us a glimpse of our family of friends...the stars we all remember ... in a new setting. Life goes- on people age- and they remain vital.

And it can even be a simple charming mystery series...so "Brit-lik"e in a way...like..."Murder She Wrote". Trust me I recently saw Angela Lansbury walk into the theater she was appearing in for "A Little Night Music" on broadway and she is YOUNG...wig make-up, difficult, wonderful music...and ....poof... she is the grande dame opposite Catherine Zeta Jones. And believe me she gives that youngster a run for her money and she does the whole show from a wheelchair!

I was just thinking.

Anyway if you want to smile check out the theme song for "Love American Style" at the link I posted, it will make you smile :)

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